
We defend justice, combining initiative, flexibility and ingenuity with international standards.

Main basic principles of UARA:

  • Ensuring  the maximum protection of the rights and interests of clients and partner companies of the agency through a flexible, constructive and innovative approach to the tasks, and to provide the highest level of services focused on results;
  • Ensuring the permanent development of our own organization by providing the best quality and cutting-edge services for our partners, and motivation and opportunity for development and a modern working environment for the employees;
  • Combining the professional experience and practical skills of the managing officers with the skills and energy of the younger generation of employees, and create an organizational structure which allows the agency’s dynamic development in all aspects;
  • Working in compliance with the recognized moral and ethical values.

We understand the business of our clients, provide maximum protection of their rights and interests and vigorously identify and solve their problems, being in constant contact with them. Being focused on the final result, we set goals and consistently achieve them.

The resources of our agency and its consultants and allied organizations are directed to be used entirely for the benefit of our clients, partners, and members. We work as a team in which everyone realizes his potential.