Intellectual Property Rights Protection

The experts of UARA provide copyright holders and their official representatives with qualified assistance in the management and protection of intellectual property rights, including legal assistance during the registration, transfer, use and protection of the rights on intellectual property objects.

The system of intellectual property rights protection is developed individually in each case by the specialists of UARA, and involves, above all, a set of appropriate measures that are directed at establishing (if it’s necessary) the existence and recognition of these rights (in the case of non-recognition, violation or appeal).

Without the use of an effective system of protection of intellectual property objects, all the efforts for their creation, development, advertising and protection (registration of appropriate rights) can be negated.

Today, taking into account the accelerated development of technologies, there is the possibility of infringement of intellectual property rights in such ways and in such volumes, which in the last decade have not been possible in Ukraine. In this connection, nowadays a violator of rights is often an unfair competitor. Therefore, today, the actions of the rights holders and their representatives in trying to protect their intellectual property rights are usually done in conjunction with the implementation of a mechanism of protection against unfair competition.

The specialists of UARA can quickly and qualitatively prepare an analysis of any situation, and offer our clients the most efficient way to solve it.