Representation in courts and other bodies

The agency represents the client’s interests in court and other state bodies (law enforcement and customs authorities, the State Tax Service, AMC, etc.) concerning the protection of intellectual property rights, carrying out various kinds of registrations and obtaining documents of protection for intellectual property objects, maintaining in force of such documents (certificate, patent) etc.

Representing the interests of the copyright holder in courts involves the development of the scheme of legal actions, case management strategy and preparation of all of the necessary legal documents.

These actions are possible for the protection of property and non-property rights in relation to their violation, appeal or non-recognition. In addition, the lawyers of UARA will provide you with competent legal assistance in the invalidation of registration of intellectual property rights

The agency also represents the copyright holders and partners in negotiations, including the termination of infringements of intellectual property rights. 

The agency’s experts have considerable experience in the pre-trial settlement of disputes.